Explore Our Cosy Knits and Home Essentials

We make all sorts of really nice stuff.

A passion for creating

We’ve been knitting for people for over 60 years. Everything is hand made, no machines involved, all crafted by our family.


Get warm and fuzzy feels from our collection of knitwear. Using only top notch wool.


Bright colours, weird things that are out of the ordinary, something for everyone.


Need/want something in particular? We make anything and everything, just drop us a line!


Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Études Architectural Solutions.


Add quirky bits and pieces around your home, from plant pot holders to ornamental pieces.


Because everything we make is made from scratch, you’ll always have something unique.

Top Notch Stuff

We actually care about the things we make, it takes us hours to make a lot of what we sell, it’s not mass produced, and it’s all made right here, in Derbyshire.

Family Made

  • Made by our family
  • Each piece individually created
  • Friendly peeps

Bits and Bobs for all seasons

  • Christmas? We got it.
  • Halloween? Nothing too spook.
  • April Fools Day? Erm… sure?

“Yeah, you know what, I reckon that ‘Wool’ is gonna be the next big thing.”

Mr Sh. Eep

Completely impartial CEO of nothing to do with wool

Want something made?

Drop us a line – let us know what you’re after!